أجدد المواضيع:


فرض في مادة الانجليزية المستوى الثانية ثانوي    (1)
Part One: Reading:
    Read the text carefully then do the activities. 
     The “Deepwater Horizon” oil spill occurred in the Gulf of Mexico on April 20, 2010. It 
is the largest accidental marine oil spill in the history of the petroleum industry. On July 
15, the leak was stopped after the well had released about 4.9 million barrels of crude oil. 
It was estimated that 53,000 barrels per day were escaping from the well just before it was 
capped. On September 19, the federal government declared the well “effectively dead”. 
     11 men working on the platform were killed by the explosion and 17 others were 
injured. Besides, the spill has caused damage to marine life as well as the Gulf’s fishing 
industry and tourism. Eight U.S. national parks are threatened. More than 400 species of 
fish, birds and marine mammals that live in the Gulf islands are at risk. 
     The U.S. government has named the British Petroleum Company (BP) as the 
responsible for the catastrophe. BP admitted that it made mistakes and promised to clean 
the coasts. However, environmentalists are predicting that this spill will take years to 
disappear. 6,500 km2 are covered with the resulting oil slick and hundreds of miles of 
coast line are threatened by the spill. 

  A) Comprehension: (7points)  
    1. Say whether the following statements are true or false according to the text: 
         a) The catastrophe took place in Britain. 
         b) The catastrophe was man-made. 
         c) More than 11 men were killed by the explosion. 
         d) Man beaches and marine life were affected. 

    2. Answer the following questions according to the text: 
        a) How much oil was lost in the spill? 
        b) What caused the oil spill? 
        d) How long did the spill last? 

    3. In which paragraph is it mentioned that the company responsible for the spill will  
         repair the damage? 

   4. Choose the most appropriate title: 
       a) The Effects of the Spill     b) The BP Oil Disaster     c) The U.S Catastrophe.
B) Text Exploration: (8points) 
    1. Find in the text words that are the synonyms of the following. 
        happened §1  -  menaced §2  -  disaster §3 
    2. Complete the table as shown in the example: 

   3. Write sentence (b) so that it means the same as (a). 
          1 a. They could clean the beaches. 
             b. The beaches…………………….. 
         2 a. Miles of coast-line are threatened by the spill. 
            b. The spill……………………………… 
   4. Write the silent letter in each of the following words: 
     largest  -  escaping  -  eight  -  islands 

   5. Fill in the gaps with words from the following list: 
       oil -  industry  -  region   -  polluted 
      The Exxon –Valdez was wrecked just off the coast of Alaska in 1986. It was carrying a 
    huge cargo of……. . The oil spilled out and……………the beach. The fishing  
    ……………was ruined and tourists deserted the …………. 

Part two: Written Expression                                  (5 points) 
 Choose ONE of the following topics. 
    Topic 1:  
  Using the notes given write a composition of about 100 words on the following. 
       Imagine you are the manager of the BP oil company. Write a press release to 
apologize for the damage caused by the oil spill and promise reparation. 
      - To apologize / mistakes / made/ caused accident. 
      - The well / to release / huge quantities oil. 
      - To take measures / to clean area/ soon. 
      - Birds wash out /  life marine restore 
      - Tourist and fishing industries/ compensate for their losses. 
  Topic 2:  
      Write a composition of 100 words about the responsibility of man in the   problems 
faced by the environment. Give examples to illustrate your writing. 

verb  noun  adjective 
e.g:To kill    killer    killed 
To pollute  ……………….  …………….
…………….  ……………….. known 
…………..  explosion  …………….

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